By Hand - Magazine-CLEARANCE
By Hand
In this day and age, many of us are searching for community–a sense of belonging, a feeling of unity, a desire to share our passions with others. As a sense of community becomes ever more elusive, we look for ways to build our own. A community of makers–those who find joy in creating with their hands, minds, and hearts–gives us a chance to share and celebrate our ideas and passions. Today, there are clusters of creativity – locations around the country that have developed their own unique “maker communities,” where people who love to make, love to learn to make, and love to support makers have found a common sense of purpose. Each of these geographic “clusters” has its own unique characteristics, and those characteristics influence the artists who live and work there.
Thus we have “making communities” – areas around the country where makers with a common ethos work and, in turn, are inspired by each other – and we are “making communities,” even where physical proximity isn’t possible, by sharing our stories and journeys and images with each other.